85yo with Tachy Brady
85yo patient presented with syncope.
PMHx nil. Nil meds
was watching TV at home. Son heard a bang. Found patient on the floor, unconscious. CPR commenced. Almost immediate ROSC.
GCS 15, HR 90-130 SVT, AF, ST
BP 127/92 sats 92%
Pt had been well prior to the event. He was now alert and coherent complaining of chest and back pain.
So you do a RUSH exam and saw this in the cardiac US:
You look at the lungs: a few B lines anteriorly, nil effusion
So you look at the aorta:
You call vascular and anaesthetics. The patient is transferred to theatre and undergoes a stent under LA. He is currently awake and talking on the ward.
You just saved a life.
Don't forget to do a RUSH exam on undifferentiated hypotension, syncope and cardiac arrest.